A Message from David Derks, President of La Mirada Symphony Association

Dear Friends of the La Mirada Symphony,

Imagine a world without the symphony—a place where the timeless melodies that uplift our spirits and unite us fall silent. This is precisely why we’re reaching out to you today. As a cherished supporter of the La Mirada Symphony, you understand music’s profound impact on our lives and our community. Together, we hold the power to ensure its future.

For over 61 years, the La Mirada Symphony has stood as a beacon of artistic excellence, bringing the joy of music to audiences of all ages. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of people like you to sustain this legacy. Your past support has enabled us to create transformative experiences, nurture young talents, and keep the magic of live orchestral music thriving in our community.

However, as we look to the future, we must acknowledge that new challenges are emerging, challenges that demand collective action. The cost of maintaining our orchestra, producing high-quality performances, and expanding our educational programs has risen significantly over time. Although we have always been careful stewards of the resources entrusted to us, the reality is becoming clear: we cannot continue this important work without additional support from our loyal patrons.

How You Can Help

Your tax-deductible donation today can make an enormous difference in keeping the La Mirada Symphony a vibrant part of our cultural landscape. Whether you can contribute $5, $50, $500, or $5,000, every donation plays a crucial role in sustaining our mission. Additionally, your gift will directly support our musicians, fund our upcoming season, and allow us to expand our outreach to those who need the healing power of music the most.

We would be honored to include your name in our concert programs in recognition of your generosity. More importantly, you will actively contribute to preserving the symphony for future generations, ensuring that the music we all cherish continues to inspire and uplift.


Tax-deductible donations may be made via check payable to La Mirada Symphony Association and mailed to La Mirada Symphony Association, P.O. Box 117, La Mirada, CA 90637-0117.

Donations may also be made easily through PayPal through the link below with our email address lamiradasymphony@aol.com.


If you want to donate a gift to our opportunity drawings, don’t hesitate to contact us using the same email address.

Thank you for your continued dedication to the La Mirada Symphony. With your support, we will continue to bring the beauty of music to life and enrich the hearts of all who hear it, creating a better world.

With deepest gratitude,

David Derks, President
La Mirada Symphony Association
Tax ID #94-3223735